Opening: Friday, 10 September 2010, 7 p.m.
Exhibition: 11 September - 09 October 2010

Migration, language and cultural identity constitute the interface of Claudia Fischer’s work. Beginning with her own life – she lives in Lisbon and Jena – Fischer is concerned with the subject of migration, which is imbedded in comprehensive social, economic and political developments. In her treatment of this topic she has created numerous interventions and installations in artistic and public spaces.
This series, created consecutively since 2001, looks into identity constructions in relation to a group of terms associated with the foreign and a sense of being at home.
In the exhibition INVENTORY, individual reference points are combined and connections made via selected images from the series, such as UNTERWEGSSEIN (on the move), PLEASE WAIT AT THE YELLOW LINE, CF HOTELS and PERSONAL BELONGINGS. Thus the viewer enters into the state of the traveller, experiencing the familiar and the foreign, the self and the Other – an interdependence that involves the constant reconstruction of identity.