Opening: Friday, 21 March 2014, 7 p.m.
Exhibition: 22 March - 17 April 2014
Artist Talk: Friday, 4 April 2014, 7 p.m.

With the three-part video work shown in the exhibition Neue Achse Nina Wiesnagrotzki investigates narratives of mountains both sacred and profane and concludes them with the question of how to look at those newly-created atomic mountains. Sacred Mt. Fuji is worshipped, and the profane mountain, too, provides protection. The tsunami rubble can be processed and recycled and will disappear again, yet the radioactive mountains of scrap will remain. However, sacred Mt. Fuji is a volcano, after all, and thus not merely a refuge.
Being half-Japanese, Nina Wiesnagrotzki grew up in the foothills of the Alps. She never lived in Japan. In the course of the exhibition Neue Achse she works on an essayistic, experimental-documentary video installation consisting of a heterogeneous collage of found footage and specifically shot video material. The original soundtrack mixes with script and off-screen voice.