OLIVER KREBS | Painted from Memory
Opening: Friday, 10 January 2014, 7 p.m.
Exhibition: 11 January - 8 February 2014

With his subjective view, the photographer Oliver Krebs, captures the fleetingness of today’s society. His intention is to grasp hold of the evolving results from the centrifugal forces of accelerating change. His photographs focus on the facets and demarcation lines of this social transformation.
The focus of his work is not on the fate of the individual, his attention is directed further, to the “in between” space, that describes what keeps our society together. Here the relationship how we relate to each other and to our environment becomes apparent. In its way, this is the view of a vanishing centre.
In doing so, his photography explores the tension between spontaneity, as we know from “Street Photography” and an abstract view, which is in search of scenic qualities. The images materialize between these poles, where the view of this transformation process becomes clear.
He uses the full range of photographic techniques; medium format, 35mm as well as digital photography.