OPEN SPACE 19 | Spezialisten leisten immer etwas Besonderes
with works by Oliver Dignal, Paulina Gimpel, Ulrike Hannemann, Andy Heller, Ruth Hommelsheim,
Werner Huthmacher, Ulrike Kolb, Oliver Krebs, Standard Euro, Nina Wiesnagrotzki
Opening: Friday, 04.09.2015, 7 pm
Exhibition: 05.09.–02.10.2015
Extended Opening Hours Berlin Art Week
18.–20.09.2015 | Fri 2–10 pm, Sat/Sun 11 am–7 pm

Specialists always accomplish the extraordinary
Expertise has long transgressed the limited fields of antiques and medical science. Meanwhile, established professional competence and opinion are generally termed expertise. Political decisions are no longer taken sans prior consultation with one or several experts. Newspapers report on experts in any conceivable context.
We took this phenomenon of ubiquitous expertise in our life for an occasion to investigate how exactly artists go about interpreting subjects derived, for instance, from the fields of sciences, the animal world, or the sphere of quotidian objects, and expert knowledge enters their works.
The result of our occupation and confrontation with that question is the upcoming exhibition/open space at Galerie Loris. The works gathered form a dialog with one or several select specialists commenting on a content-related or formal element. The approaches here are quite different in nature: The professional competence called for with some works inspires, as a complementary comment, an associative reading; other works are in themselves a permutation of the expert’s contribution and thus bear not in the least an absurd component.
The – here only fragmentary – observation of this phenomenon might in passing initiate considerations as to the relevance as yardsticks and trendsetters common sense and life experience still enjoy in a world of expertise.