OPEN SPACE 21 | Descriptions of it are incomplete.
b2_Leipzig at Loris
with works by Benjamin Dittrich, Caroline Hake, Katharina Immekus, Bea Meyer, Heide Nord & Carsten Tabel, Selma van Panhuis, Hayahisa Tomiyasu, VIP, Anna Vovan, Verena Winkelmann
Opening: Friday, 15.07.2016, 7 pm
Exhibition: 16.07.–06.08.2016

You are cordially invited to the exhibition of b2_Leipzig at Loris Berlin.
In the exhibition Description of it are incomplete, works are on show that are borrowed from the workproces of the individual artists. The combination and installation of these materials mirror the current state of things – between a searching and a finding. Some stem from the first hunch, other works are in the last phase of a decision making process – to finalise or to refuse?
Furthermore, there are these things that suddenly appear as a fall out or a byproduct of the process and claim their fixed place in our productive mental space.
The exhibition Descriptions of it are incomplete can be read as an experiment on how to cope with these aesthetically still unstable objects. The gallery turns into a space where this potential for development is on display.