STANDARD EURO | InfoRaum_LuftBeben
Opening: Friday, 29.05.2015, 7 pm
Exhibition: 30.05.–27.06.2015
Artist Talk: Friday, 26.06.2015, 7 pm

Standard Euro | InfoRaum_LuftBeben
A Project by Anne Metzen
Due to the utilisation of airspace and ‘environmental design’1 the time has come to re-define airspace. So far airspace has been perceived as ‘that space offering man almost unlimited freedom’2; it was experienced untouched in its self-evidence, as a prospect and outreach into what is undefined and detached from the ground. Meanwhile, however, it harbors more than ever the latently threatening component of the invisible.
This could be one conclusion while regarding and appreciating the exhibition InfoRaum_Luftbeben, to be seen at Berlin gallery LORIS. Anne Metzen shows a specially compiled thematic department of her complex artistic research and archive project she pursues since 1997, operating under the name of Standard Euro.
To be seen are the visual consequences of air-based operations in, and manipulations of, the atmosphere, which, taken out of their context, appear like emblematic inscriptions into air and earth. The motifs shown represent for the most part man-made interventions taking place in the air, controlled via the air, or significantly influencing air quality like, e.g. air raids, dissemination of poison gas, setup of high-frequency fields in the ionosphere, or air reconnaissance with unmanned aircraft.
With the collection, detection, and compilation of traces of events and incidents Standard Euro defines within the typology and methodology of its own system free standards, thus pursuing a scholarly interest inherent in the system: the investigation of regard standardizations and iconization processes of events by the media and the Internet.
In this exhibition Anne Metzen allows the visitor an insight into the multi-layered structures of her Standard Euro reality-capturing system. The extensive installation brings to view among other things system wooden crates, files, lists, registries, animations, but as well works in concrete and on paper.
1 Cf. Peter Sloterdijk, translated from his book of same title, Luftbeben. An den Quellen des Terrors, 2002
2 Cf. Otto Piene, 1961